
LGBT Mother's Day Ad Rejected by Sojourners (A Pro-Diversity, Anti-Prejudice Christian Organization)

Believe Out Loud, a project of Intersections International, is a "collection of clergy and lay leaders, LGBT activists, and concerned individuals, working together to help the Protestant community become more welcoming to gays and lesbians."  The organization has launched a campaign to get one million Christians to "break the silence and join the burgeoning chorus for full LGBT equality in the church."

The initiative has gained much of its recent support, in part, from the following video, which has a special Mother's Day message.  A family comprised of a boy and two moms, enter a church for the first time, and, after unwelcoming glares from the congregation as they search for a pew, are welcomed by the pastor of the church. 

The video serves as an introduction to the Believe Out Loud project, which aims to urge silently supportive clergy and church members to speak out and stand up in favor of welcoming LGBT Christians into the fold.

"Jesus Christ called each of us to love one another," claims the Believe Out Loud Web site. "It’s not enough for us to silently believe that all are equal in God’s eyes.  It is time for us to put our beliefs into action."

Seems reasonable enough.

Unfortunately, however, the progressive Christian Website Sojourners, refused to run the ad, claiming, “Sojourners position is to avoid taking sides on this issue. In that care [sic], the decision to accept advertising may give the appearance of taking sides.”

So, is this the same Sojourners whose tagline is "Christians for justice and peace?" The same one that claims in their Diversity Statement that they "believe that unity in diversity is not only desirable, but essential to fulfilling God's ultimate desire for God's people," and that, "We confess that both personal prejudice and systemic oppression are sin?"

Good luck with that, Sojourners.


  1. So, my brother and his partner of 35 years, my sister, her wife and their son aren’t welcome in Sojourners brand of Christianity.

    So, Sojourners claims of “progressive Christian commentary,” that they seek to “build a movement of spirituality and social change” and promote “unity in diversity” are all lies.

    So much for that Commandment and "love thy neighbor as thyself."

    Utne Reader has nominated Sojourners for a 2011 award in the Body/Spirit section.

    Utne might want to rethink the Sojourner nomination.

    Please ask Utne editors to withraw that nomination: dschimke@utne.com, KGoetzman@utne.com

    Also, here's a petition to sign protesting Sojourners’ bigotry:


  2. Done, and done. Thanks for sharing the info.
