It is no news that the United States discriminates against the LGBTQ community, from marriage equality, to workplace discrimination, and beyond.Read more about the project here.
In 2010 iO Tillett Wright began a project called Self Evident Truths, photographing anyone that felt like they qualified to fall on some part of the LGBTQ spectrum, from bisexual, to transgender.
This project aims to travel across the USA and capture 4,000 faces.
Self Evident Truths from Self Evident Truths on Vimeo.
Thank you for speaking up and speaking out. And, you do both very well.
ReplyDeleteI have just one quarrel with some supporters. Why is it so important you/ they think homosexuality is not a choice? Sometimes it is. I am a 66 yr-old lesbian, presently celibate, focused on spiritual growth and relationships. But, before I chose lesbian, I was monosexual (from age 3), and then bisexual. I enjoyed heterosexual relationships, was married while living as heterosexual (only -- between bisexual and lesbian)... I describe it this way: If you like ice cream, you probably have a favorite flavor. You taste many flavors, perhaps, over the years, but always come back to your favorite flavor. One day, you may decide you only want your favorite flavor. Choosing does not make it "bad" or "wrong!"
Of course, I know & have known both gay men and lesbians who do indeed feel they were born with their sexual orientation. But we weren't all! It is not a disability. It is not something which has to have happened to us without our having control and choice in order to be acceptable.
If we can defend the right of all Americans to make religious/ spiritual choices, why can we not also defend our right to make sexual choices?
ReplyDeleteThanks for re-posting this link from my comment! When I saw this video it inspired me to try and create an event locally. I reached out to the artist herself to let her know of our plans. When I described to them the event we were planning to pull together she was so excited that instead of only going to larger cities like Atlanta, Miami etc she is offering to come here. Currently we are tasked with raising funds to bring her to Knoxville (as her funding has not come through on a national level at this time). Of course as we both know, Asheville or Charlotte is a quick stop away. Maybe we could pool our resources and propose two events? If you would like to speak further please email me at sf37917@yahoo.com. Shannon Foster
To the first commenter above, I agree with you 100%. I have stated elsewhere that I am reluctant to keep pushing the 'it's not a choice' message. It does carry with it the risk that some might perceive LGBT folks as 'defective,' but that is certainly not the case. While I know that many people do make a conscious choice about who they wish to be intimate with, or who they wish to settle down with, I think it's important to show that sexual orientation (not just homosexuality) is usually something that we do not choose.
ReplyDeleteI speak to many religious people who simply believe that LGBT folks have made a conscious choice to 'sin' or to follow an 'unnatural' way of life.
While I do agree with you that we should be able to choose whatever we wish to be, and that it shouldn't matter one way or the other, I think it's important to get people to think about how they stumbled upon their own sexual orientation.
There is nothing 'wrong' with LGBT folks any more than there is something 'wrong' with redheads, or people with certain taste aversions. We must acknowledge that people have a ridiculous number of traits and characteristics, many, like sexual orientation, that are behavioral or preference-oriented. It's important to show people that there are biological factors that influence sexual orientation, just as biological factors influence our complexion, our eye color, our creativity, or our physical abilities. And we should be able to accept sexual orientation just as we accept these other differences about people.
@Shannon - Thank you for sharing the original post to this. Have you reached out to Equality NC about assisting with setting up an event? Or NC Pride?
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome and thank you :-) No I haven't talked with them. Our event in Knoxville has taken off in a direction I didn't expect but in a great way indeed! Do you have any contacts at Equality NC or Pride organizers?